What's the Name of the Game?

Thursday, October 27, 2005


I am glad its Thursday. We went to Weight Watchers - down 1.4lbs. Not too bad considering Tuesday night.

I don't have much to report today. Moose and I have been text messaging, but I think I scared him off as I haven't heard from him since about 1pm. Who knows.

As for those of you wondering how I got back in touch with him - I sent a letter to him. Yep, that's right, good old fashioned Postal Service. He didn't think it was stalkerish as I was worried about. He looked at it like I did - I knew where he lived, so it made sense. There, I spilled the beans. DON'T JUDGE ME!!!

I see from Eunuch's blog that it is possible to dognap Cuervo for a bit. Hmmmmm - I may take him up on that offer.

Since everyone else did this, I will too...
Weekend Update:
Friday: Hang out with Betsy cuz she's FINALLY (just joking) leaving for her cruise.
Sat: Get up at 4:59am and drive Betsy to the airport. Go back to bed hopefully. Go the the thrift shop and hope that they have the last part of my costume. Go to Alyssa's party.
Sunday: Recover and do some work.

Dinner: Veggie Burger on English Muffins, baked fries and 4 Bags of Gold (don't know what these are?? Safeway has them and they are gooooooood)

That's all kids....

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I took today off - so I got to watch some day time TV. Actually I watched the Tivo taped Ellen DeGeneres shows. There is an ad for the soap opera Passions that says "And she will get back at him with Killer Guacamole." AUGH. Yeah that really makes me wanna watch. Also, I haven't watched Days of Our Lives in about 10 years....however the same thing is still going on - Sami is crazy, Marlana is still slutting around with John and Roman, etc... it's sad.

So last night was the SHIT Annual Halloween Hash. It was fun. I even pre planned and took today off in anticipation. Costumes were good - The Castaways of Gilligan's Island, Grandma and Grampa, The Weather Channel Girl, the orange cone guy, and me as Nancy Drew. Here are some pics:
This is Weather Girl Betsy Cantore talking with Gilligan about the recent devastation to his island.

And here we have Weather Girl Betsy Cantore looking very concerned while listening to the accounts Nancy Drew is telling her about how the storm has affected her.

She also spoke with some locals who chose to ride out the storm in the comfort of their favorite bar.

Well this is a pic of Grandma and Grandpa. Such a happy couple.

Sorry about the sideways issue.

Also, this stuff happenened:
Dear Friends,
Thank you all for coming out last night on what is sure to go down in the record books as the coldest Halloween Pub Crawl EVER. However, I am writing this to remind you that although the hash has no rules, there are still laws in the state of Virginia that we must follow. We are no longer invited to Mighty Mike's. We were asked to leave because someone brought in Jell-o shooters. I'm not sure if they were actually consumed in the bar, but regardless, you CANNOT bring outside alcohol into a bar. Even if the law was broken, the way they reacted was completely ridiculous. I promise we will NEVER go back to that bar again. I also had to talk with the owner of the Pelly last night. Someone tried to leave with a wooden mug full of beer last night. You CANNOT leave with alcohol from a bar. Hello, open container laws. Finally, I was witness to someone stealing the bartenders tip money last night. Dude, if you need to steal dollars from someone else's tip to buy your own beer, you might have a problem. Don't worry, we took care of the bartender (Mole's brother) and we'll keep an eye on the tip thief, too. In conclusion: 1. Don't take alcohol INTO a bar. 2. Don't take alcohol OUT of a bar. 3. Don't take someone's tip money. Thanks again to the cast and crew of Gilligan's Island! XOXOX tuppy

At some point in the evening, I realized I had a voice mail. I checked it and it was the Moose. Finally. So I called back and left him a message. He called back and then met us out at the Pelli. He even karaokeed humpty dance. So that is good. We will see what happens now. My stalking finally paid off.

That is all, tomorrow you will probably get a look at the Love Letter Betsy received recently. Good stuff.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Friday I went to a co-worker's for a Happy Hour. I was planning on staying there briefly but then all hell broke loose. A fellow coworker - a 22 year old newbie teacher - got a little nuts. She drank wine - A LOT!!! She started telling us the woes of her life - that her "daddy" was at home with his whore - the woman he left her mother for - the mom's best friend. That she is 420 friendly, blah blah blah. She then proceeded to try to drive home to Ashburn from Burke - not that I have any idea how far that is. We wouldn't let her and she didn't want to crash. She was on the phone with her ex boyfriend "Beefy" whom we spoke to and he apparently called her mother who came to pick her up. She did however inform us as she was spitting over the side of her chair that "Spitters are people to"

So after that drama, I journeyed on to Carpool in Herndon for a few more cocktails. That was alright.

Guy #4 called me after he got off of work at 2am. I know we talked for a while, but no idea what about.

So needless to say, I was sooooooooo hungover on Sat. That was alright because I was supposed to get up at 5am and take Betsy to the airport. However, Wilma put a damper on that. So she is still in VA with a Tuesday morning departure. Poor Cancun:

So didn't do too much today. Laundry, a little cleaning, made some chili, etc.... Guy #2 called tonight out of the blue. I haven't talked to him in over a month. Interesting....

So that's it. Continue to do the anti-hurricane dance for Betsy.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Well, I have tried...but I am unable to track him down. So at this point, the situation with the Moose is at a lull.

So unless anyone can come up with something outstanding...I give up - NEXT! Haha...just kidding. Someone commented that we must have really hit it off... well that isn't the case. We did get along okay - drunk. It is more the issue that maybe he put my number in his phone incorrectly. I don't know.

Tonight was a Weight Watchers Day - I am down 2.2 Not bad considering I drank gallons of beer on Sat.

On the way I saw two interesting things
1) A wood chipper truck with mexicans sitting in the back on top of the wood chips -
Sorry - you have to look closely. They are really there.

Then I saw this and I saw it coming :


Friday - Happy Hour at coworker Jons house, then Carpool (maybe)
Saturday - Thrift store to complete Halloween costumes
Saturday night - Hmmm not sure
Sunday - Take Betsy to airport, Jimmy's for game

So that is all... Everyone do an Anti Hurricane dance for Metro. She is scheduled to leave from Fort Lauderdale on Monday for a cruise.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Okay...so the cute guy from the Moose... when I dropped him off, he asked for my phone number. We didn't have a pen, so he put it in his cell phone and called my phone - which was in my bag in the back of my car. When I got home, there was no missed call. SO......

1) Did he just pretend?

2) Did he enter the number wrong?? We were pretty hung over.

And what should I do?? My sister thinks I should track him down - I know where he works and I also have a connection to him via Sully's. However, does that make me a crazy acting chick??

The guy I work with said it would be awesome if a girl tracked him down - but I'm not sure about that - he's only 24 - what does he know??

Monday, October 17, 2005


What a good weekend. It was a tough one - but I survived. However, I am awaiting pics to be posted from AGM so I can steal some. I didn't take my camera as I was nervous about misplacing it.

The day started at 3 at start. Many people donned their pirate garb for trail. We walked and we walked and we walked and all we really wanted was to get back and start the party.

Finally, we made it back after Metro, Friendly Thighs and I made a pit stop at the Port-o-John at the construction site. We circled up, did our thing, then headed over to the Herndon Moose Lodge.

We got our give-a-ways and ate dinner. It was good - Caribbean based - meat pies, jerk chicken, beans and rice, tortillas and dip. And BEER served by the best bartender this side of the Potomac - BASIL!!!!

Here is a picture of myself and Carmen and the other one is of Metro doing the Jitter Bug with Bad Dog. He is pretty light on his feet while dancing - who knew.

Soon, the band started as did my cheers for Honky Tonk Woman. They did play it and it was slightly better than last year. We danced, played invisible jump rope, did the Pinata and called it a night. At the end, I spotted a cute guy. I talked with him and found out he was a Moose. We discussed what to call two members of the Moose Club - Meese, Moosi. I invited to him the party at Corns house. Everyone hung out, danced, walked on the balance beam, etc...

We left around 3am.

Sunday, got up, and went to Jimmy's for the Buffalo Bills Tailgate party. It was a good time. I'd Rather and GO Easy joined us for food, beer and a Bills victory. Scott Norwood - Bills Kicker that had a chance to win Super Bowl XXV with seconds remaining before his 47-yard field-goal attempt sailed wide right. We were nice to him and got our picture taken with him. Betsy did the talking and informed him we were from Batavia...not sure he cared or even knew where it was. Not a great pic of me - looking fat and hungover.
So that ended around 8 with a tremendous Bills victory and we went home and I crashed!!!
Next up: Halloween
Dinner - Whole Wheat Rigatoni pasta bake
Lots of Match.com messages...nothing worth sharing though especially compared to the witty words of Jide.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble.....

Back on the Weight Watchers Wagon again. We haven't been since the beginning of June, however, I have managed to keep the weight off all summer - go figure with all the drinking. So 21 lbs. down and more to go ALOT more.

After Weight Watchers... I needed to stop at Borders to get a blank journal for my grad class - more about that at some other point. Betsy apparently hates Bookstores... However as soon as we walked in, she bee lined straight for the deviant murderer non-fiction books. So I found my journals - I picked up two :
Then Betsy decided she needed one for work too... who knows what for... something about a Honey Do List...so she got a fuzzy purple one:

Then we realized it was buy 3 get one free... so we looked and we looked and we found this:


That's it. Except for a great random IM I got from some weirdo -
"londonboy4more: hi
londonboy4more: how are u
londonboy4more: i like ur profile and will love to know u better my name is jide i am 27 years of age u are one cute lady evey body on earth will wont but if i get to have u i will really be gald cos u look like and angel...

Hmmm.... sounds like a WINNER!!!!

Monday, October 10, 2005


This weekend is the S.H.I.T Annual General Meeting - sigh up beeyotches!!! So I have to muster up a Pirate Costume. I have most of it I think. It involves a lame mask that will probably last about 2 minutes and some pirate beads I acquired at the Jimmy Buffett concert from the guy who did the belly flop into our kiddie pool which was located on top of rocks. Actually - he did a face flop - hence the cuts. He did earn his Miller Lite though.

So after that round of dress up, we are going to Jimmy's Tavern on Sunday for a tail gate party supporting our Home town team The Buffalo Bills. I will have to pull out the Bill's sweatshirt my mom just gave me while I was home.

The next dress up is Halloween. I have a good costume this year. I have everything I need, except a black suit vest. I think I will have to go to the Goodwill but I don't know where there is one.

So, anyways... Betsy and I went home this past weekend for my nieces 2nd Birthday. Whoa!!! What fun. We left Thursday after work and got to Batavia, NY around 11pm. We went to bed. We got up on Friday, hung out a little, then went to Walmart and bought some presents for the party - we got a toy microwave with popcorn that popped, a big fat baby doll, a barbie riding bike and a bike helmet. My niece loved the baby. I have decided that she has too many fancy modern toys, she just needs old fashioned toys - dolls, blocks, etc....

So after we got the presents, we went and got our hair done by lil sister's friend Lindsay. She gives us a discount so it is definitely worth the drive. It cost us $67 for 2 cuts, colors, highlights, 4 lipsticks and hair product. Can't beat that with a bat.

AFter that we went back to my mom and Alan's. We had dinner and drank 9, I say 9 bottles of wine. And my sister and mother did shots of Tequila. Great idea. This is what happens with 9 bottles of wine and tequila. Then Betsy said she wanted to go out in the big town of Batavia. We both got "drunk" ready. I was putting on my shoes and looking for my sister. I looked in every room twice. I couldn't figure it out. Then I told my mom I couldn't find her and she went and looked in the room she was sleeping in and there she was on the bed. Apparently, she was having difficulty putting on makeup and decided she shouldn't go out, so she laid down on the far side of the bed ON THE FLOOR and hid. AUGH Whatever.

Then Saturday we went to the birthday party. Oh my god. I had a hangover and there were 6 children under the age of 5 running around in the basement where the party was.

So I took pictures of my nephew... trying to get him to make a different facial expression. No luck.

I got to see my dad so that was good.

We went home, ate dinner and went to bed. We got up, went out for brunch with the rents then headed out of town. There was some real nice foliage on the way home - but Betsy was driving too fast to get a good pic -

Don't have to do that again until Christmas. PHEW!!!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Red Dress was fun - wouldn't say it was the BEST time I've ever had... but a good time. Brunch was fun - lots of mimosas. Metro ride in was fun as always. Start was a blast - autohashing was good. Beer check okay. Finish - WAY TOO FANCY of a place for us hashers. I don't remember much at that point - I know I drank like 20 Amstel Lights and didn't eat dinner. I danced, I talked and I bothered people. Then we went to the hotel with 2 random guys, got ready and went to Rear End Loaders for a party. We were in the cab for an hour and realized we were in GEORGETOWN and we were supposed to be in the GHETTO!!! We finally got there.. stayed for about 2o mins, the cops came, I talked to the cop for a little - he couldn't figure out why we would be in that neighborhood at that hour. So we got the fearless Andhowsherbush and walked and found a cab. Went back to the hotel, I got annoyed, packed m y stuff and walked to Metro Center and went home. GOOD IDEA!!! Still hurting, feel like some one beat the crap out of me with blisters to boot.

Us in the cab - Metro was so tired she couldn't even keep track of her purse.
Here is the weblink to my other pics