Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble.....
Back on the Weight Watchers Wagon again. We haven't been since the beginning of June, however, I have managed to keep the weight off all summer - go figure with all the drinking. So 21 lbs. down and more to go ALOT more.
After Weight Watchers... I needed to stop at Borders to get a blank journal for my grad class - more about that at some other point. Betsy apparently hates Bookstores... However as soon as we walked in, she bee lined straight for the deviant murderer non-fiction books. So I found my journals - I picked up two

Then Betsy decided she needed one for work too... who knows what for... something about a Honey Do List...so she got a fuzzy purple one:

Then we realized it was buy 3 get one free... so we looked and we looked and we found this:
That's it. Except for a great random IM I got from some weirdo -
"londonboy4more: hi
londonboy4more: how are u
londonboy4more: i like ur profile and will love to know u better my name is jide i am 27 years of age u are one cute lady evey body on earth will wont but if i get to have u i will really be gald cos u look like and angel...
Hmmm.... sounds like a WINNER!!!!
At 8:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
How come your boyfriend BG never comments on my blog? Is he too good for me? Whatever.
I just went to Betsy's office and she's in there writing in her journal. It says, "Dear Diary, You-know-who is sooooo cute! I just want to have a million of his babies! Okay, gotta go, more on this later!"
At 9:51 AM,
Matt said…
tell metro to check out bitter blood by jerry bledsoe. we lived in the same apartment building as the guy and i played with their kids. i can point out my bedroom window in the pictures in the book.
Bitter Blood: A True Story of Southern Family Pride, Madness, and Multiple Murder
At 9:54 AM,
Matt said…
another one to check out by bledsoe
Blood Games: A True Account of Family Murder
my dad worked with this guy when i was little
At 1:51 PM,
Ms Meh said…
I'll recommend "Anyone You Want Me To Be." It's about the first Internet serial killer. It's by John Douglas, who is a very good true crime writer. We had to read his stuff in college.
At 2:30 PM,
Unknown said…
How do us mere mortals compete with the lyrical stylings of Casanovas like londonboy4more? Such sweet words and devil-may-care spelling.
Alas, I'm going to have to resort to using my tiara and giant package to get the hot chicks.
Yours truly,
Mr. X
...my name is jide...
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