What's the Name of the Game?

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

50 Hours and Counting

Red Dress Run is in about 50 hours. I still have a lot to do:

1) finish making orange dress red
2) locate red body glitter
3) get groceries for Sat. morning breakfast - including 2 lbs. of Bacon for Corn to cook - haha!!
4) Clean downstairs and deck
5) Call hotel to see if we can check in at 3:00am Sunday morning. Silly to pay for a hotel room for 7 hours...but a necessity.
6) Pack overnight bag.
7) Figure out if I want to drink mimosas or Flirtinis Sat. morning
8) charge rechargable batteries for CAMERA
9) Get snacks for hotel room
10) Paint toenails red

Plus work and class and stuff!!! I am not going to Lingerie Friday night so that will help.
Here's some pics from last year... not sure who they belong to...but I stole them.

My Favorite Red Dress pic: AUTO HASHING - (Cert - are we doing this again and are you wearing those glasses again this year if not can I borrow?)


  • At 7:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am not wearing the glasses this year. There are a couple of possibilities of where they might be. If I can find them, you are more than welcome to wear them this year!

    I don't know about auto hashing, though, because I have no idea where beer check nor finish is this year. Who actually does RDR for the trail? Not me!

  • At 7:41 AM, Blogger Matt said…

    that one pic is urine, wyked, and dinky magoo. we'll be staying with them.

  • At 8:04 AM, Blogger SMAC said…

    Weeee!!!! Thanks for looking for them. It's all about accessorizing. I'm sure we can get that info. out of someone.

    ES - Yeah I heard you were staying with them. What time are you guys taking the metro in?? You should meet us.

  • At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    NO FLIRTINIS! I would like to hang out with my boyfriend, not lose him to the wickedness of the flirtini, thankyouverymuch.

    And, now, I will write about what I have to do by tomorrow.

    And, Ear Shot, it's Uranus, not Urine :)

  • At 8:54 AM, Blogger Ms Meh said…

    Hey, do you want mango nectar for mimosas? I had a mango one at Cafe Atlantico and then made one at home - mmmm, sooooo good! Let me know, I'm hitting the store tomorrow afternoon.

  • At 8:55 AM, Blogger Ms Meh said…

    Oh, and I LOOOVE Metro doing the "sorority girl squat". Classic.

  • At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oooo.... you can see my short little red-headness peering out over someone's shoulder in the group shot. God, I hardly knew you guys back then, but I knew I wanted to hang with you!

    Also? The hotel room? Pre-After-Party primping space!


  • At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    SMAC, do you mind if I shower at your place Sat am? I have a flag football game Sat morning at 8:00, and I plan to go straight to your place afterwards.

  • At 12:41 PM, Blogger SMAC said…

    No prob. Actually you and Cockspur can take one together. He is looking to shower in the morning at our house too.

  • At 12:42 PM, Blogger SMAC said…

    FP - I think that is a brilliant idea.

  • At 12:55 PM, Blogger Late Nite Drive Thru said…

    awww! what's wrong with the flirtinis? everyone (esp. Do Me) had so MUCH fun drinking them last time!


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