What's the Name of the Game?

Thursday, September 29, 2005


So I found a dress... almost like I had originally hoped for. I am going for the Kentucky Derby fashion look - maybe. It is slightly tight in my middle area however as the Wise Salt N Pepa say "I lay ya down to the maximumAnd I'm extra in the middle cuz that's where I'm waxin' him" So we shall see!!!
I am thinking about tater tots casserole for Sat. monrning. And now that ANAL is brining Mango nectar GAME on with the mimosas.


DAMN - does this mean Summer is over???


  • At 7:21 AM, Blogger Matt said…

    my dress is a little tight around the middle too. what's that say for me? actually i'm to tall for it so the belt is at about my chest.

    i did that low fat alfredo recipie with crawfish. it was excellent

  • At 7:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm making french toast! Tonight.

    And, no, that leaf means that we haven't had significant rain in over 50 days. LoCo has been delcared an "agricultural disaster area".

  • At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm making sausages (new recipe, so we'll see if they turn out okay) for Saturday morning.

    Happy Hashmas Eve!


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