What's the Name of the Game?

Friday, August 26, 2005


I went to happy hour for my friend Weeee's 30th birthday Week Long Celebration last night. See her blog for pictures from the evening.

So needless to say, I have a bit of a hangover. I should be up cleaning in preparation for guy #2 (with whom I had a very funny conversation and text messages last night), I should go into school and start putting my classroom together and I should go wash my car. None of which I feel like doing.

I really just want to watch the Ellen DeGeneres show, drink my juice and procrastinate.

Well, as I have mentioned before, I believe Guy #1 has the house bugged. Once again, I haven't heard from him in over a week until last night when he called to ask what I was doing on Friday. AUGH!!! Figures. Well, I am going to tell him I have company coming into town and we will see if he asks any other questions. Unbelievable!!

Well, that is all for today. Guy #2 will be here in 11 hours - that seems so long, but I think I have enough to do until then. I am going to try to get some pics this weekend for the blog but we will see.

Have a fantastic weekend.


  • At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So, how did it go? I need a weekend update!

  • At 2:38 PM, Blogger Ms Meh said…


    I need to stop having posts that just say "Ditto."


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