What's the Name of the Game?

Monday, August 22, 2005


I sure am glad I went camping this weekend. It was a great way to 'end' my summer. I woke up this morning and realized that next Monday I go back to work. One week without the kids, then they are baaaaaacccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk!!!

I am looking forward to it. It's always exciting the first few weeks. So let's see... one week left - what shall I do??
1. Pack my tent away until November - sad thought - but I am determined to get it back into the original bag it came in.
2. One last real drunk Hash night.
3. Clean up for visit from guy #2.
4. Nationals game
5. One last drunk Happy Hour.
6. Maybe a day or two at the pool - although I don't think my face can take anymore sun - reference yesterdays pictures.
7. Read a few books I was supposed to read this summer - teaching material crap.
8. Make a Back to School cd - something that I can listen to and be happy.
9. Rearrange closet to School clothes and going out clothes.
10. Wear my new pink and white capris before Labor Day.

Augh - well I need to make a phone call!!! Have a great Tuesday...


  • At 8:22 AM, Blogger SMAC said…

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  • At 8:24 AM, Blogger SMAC said…

    BG - You are now officially guy #3. You rock!!!

  • At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    SMAC, you're a better person than I am. Rather than having a summer free and then having to go back to teaching, I quit the profession all together. Good on you for sticking with it!

    I'm excited about all the drunken nights you have planned. I'll be drunk, too! Hooray!!


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