And what a Buena Vista It Was!!!

I decided Thursday night to attend Virginia Interhash. I am glad I did. My principal wouldn't let me leave early on Friday because we were having a Walk for the Homeless... so I stayed. I left at 3:15 and headed out. It took me 1.5 hours to get to Manassas, so I said F this and jumped onto 234 and stopped and bought a map. I figured out a new way and was on my way. I arrived at about 7:30. I got real confused when I got in the park and was auto hashing the Friday trail backwards. I thought the flour was laid to get me to the camp site. I ran into AHHB, Doc, etc... and they somewhat pointed me in the right direction. Actually, the park police got me there - I had had a Road Soda a little bit before this and was a little worried... but they were cool.

I soon joined the others. I had some catching up to do. We danced, drank, etc... it was fun. Around 2:30 I went to bed. About 4am I woke up FREEZING and had to pee. AUGH!!! When I got back I decided to put on just about everything I had brought with me... including my hat. That was a good idea.
I woke up around 7am to Clean Clam acting like a little retarded child. SHUT UP, SHUT UP, STOP SHIVERING, SHUT UP, CUERVO STOP MOVING, SHUT UP. Damn her.
So I got up around 8ish. Looked for some water, OJ, something. All I could find was coffee. I don't drink coffee, so beer it was. "If you don't start drinking in the morning, you can't drink all day." Then Guy #3 gave me a Mountain Dew. That helped. Then back to beer. So we did a lot of hanging out Saturday. Even got a sunburn:
I spent pretty much the whole day shooting the shit with Heidi Flash, Lollipop, BG, Certified, etc...
Then evening came - I spoke with Short Circuit - straight up Lynchburg.

Danced, acted a fool and went to bed super early.
7am - Clean Clam on the phone - Shut Up, Shut Up.... AUGH!!!!
I packed up and headed out. Thankfully it only took 2.5 hours to get home.
Good times!!!
At 8:51 AM,
Matt said…
i'd like to point out it was porky's fault on sunday am.
At 10:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't know why you didn't think it was funny. Loli and I were laughing our a**es off! So glad Hedgie saved you! I was on my way to do so.
At 4:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ha ha. I am glad that I got to amuse you & redeem myself later in the day Saturday.
Shut up.
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