FINALLY!!! It's hard to phathom that I just spent the same amount of time in Batavia, NY as I did in Cancun, Mexico. AUGH!!! I am so glad to be back. This will be a photo journey of my time at home.
After the golf tournament on Sat. - which my step dad and I shot an 89 and my sister and her partner shot a 136 - my mother and 2 sisters and I went to Niagara Falls for our annual girls trip. We ate at Wolfgang Pucks for lunch, then walked around for a bit looking at the falls and went to the Casino. We went back to the hotel and then this happened. They were so tired.
So after the nap session we went to dinner at a tapas restaurant. It was good. There was supposed to be a man walking a tight rope high above the city but it was too windy - so he didn't.
After dinner we walked through town and watched fireworks. The next day we got up and went on the Maid of the Mist. I hadn't been on it since I was real little. It is very awesome.

I highly recommend this if you are ever up that way!!!! After the Maid of the Mist we went Wine tasting in Niagara On the lake. Another highly recommended location.
Later that night we went to a Vegas style magic show - the venue was great, the food was great the magic was a little iffy. The guy had tigers and maccaws, but didn't do much with them. He did a lot with disappearing hoochies, but that was about it.
After the magic show, we just went back to the hotel and went to sleep. I think the wine wore us out.
The next day we stopped at Duty Free, bought some stuff and went back to Batavia.
Weds. night we celebrated my parents 20th wedding anniversary. That was fun!!! I even tried to squeeze into the dress I wore for this event - but a girls size 14 dress just doesn't fit.
Thursday my sister and I baby sat for my niece and nephew. My niece is into this shrilling thing. She just screams as loud as she can for no reason.
On Saturday, my friend Rich took me out on his boat. It was so relaxing, although I got a little sea sick. We drove past the summer camp I used to work at.

I had 2 parties to attend that evening. First was a bachelorette party for my friend Laurie.
Yes that's me with my eyes clothes. And also yes, the bride to be's gay uncle was there also.

I stayed at the bachelorette party for a little while, then headed over to a Jimmy Buffett themed party. I had Flamingo beer bongs ready to go and they were a huge hit.
Me doing a Flamingo bong and my friend Dawn's mother and my new 'friend" Jerry.
Here you see Melvin Robinson III doing a dance. I think his name is Melvin, he goes by Mel.
So after that night we drove back to VA. Huge hangover and all.
Lots to take in. Question of the day: Does this trip constitute a vacation or do I need to take another one??? I am off for all of August. Wooohoooo!!!
At 7:07 AM,
Ms Meh said…
If you're off for all of August, take another one. Might as well. Just try to be somewhat "rested" before school starts back!
At 7:16 AM,
Matt said…
if you spent more money than normal, and had more fun than normal, i say yes a vacation.
i spent an entire student loan payment at the bars this past month. i'd say i was on vacation.
At 9:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Go somewhere where you can stay for free (like, go visit Heidi!) and take some time off before you have to be Mr. Cookie.
At 1:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
HAHA!!! Mr. Cookie! I forgot about that.
Great flamingo beer bongs!
That was more of a vacation than most people take in a year, but if you're itchin for a weekend trip, lemme know. I'll pack tonight.
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