This leads me to a story about babies. I went to the gynecologist - or as I like to call her - Dr. Evil last week. I found a place in the phone book and I called. Well, I should have turned around as soon as I got there. The place was dirty and the ladies working behind the desk were all white trash - you know the kind - dyed red straggly hair, stretch pants and cheap perfume.
30 mins. after I arrived - I finally got called back. I was put in a room and told to wait for the doctor.
1 hour after I arrive - the doctor comes in. She tells me all about her and her education and how she used to work at a hospital in India that delivered 40,000 babies a year and how she has been asked by the local universities to guest speak - blah blah blah. Then she starts asking about me. What do I do? Teacher. That was acceptable. What was my relationship status? Single - a look of disbelief. Then she starts on me about how I need to just trust someone and marry them and have a baby. She tells me that I am getting old and that I am running out of time. I told her that I wasn't in any rush. And she continued for another minute or so. Then she said to put on the robe and she would be right back.
2 hours after I arrive - Dr. Evil comes back. Apparently she left (meanwhile I am sitting there in the paper robe and "blanket") and went and delivered a baby!!! She apologized for my sitting there for a FREAKIN hour!!! She did her thing and mid doing her thing - there is a knock on the door and the nurse comes in and tells her that Dr. So and So is on the phone and it's important. She leaves the room!!! I was in disbelief.
2 hours and 30 mins. after I arrive - Dr. Evil comes back finishes up and ends the session with - "You should lose some weight." No DUH!!!! I try to explain to her that I have and am still but she starts pushing this program she offers on me. I tell her no thanks. She leaves, I get dresed and walk out to the desk. She comes up and tells me at the desk that she needs to see me again in a week to follow up (I am not going to give specifics here) and then in 2 months again. NO WAY!!!
3 hours after I arrive - and $10 poorer and 2 appt. cards in hand I finally leave. As soon as I get home, I called the insurance company and ask if I can go somewhere else. They said yes and I made an appt. that day.
I definitely didn't go there for relationship advice from Dr. Nicky Singh who was probably betrothed when she was born.
Okay that is the end of my rant on babies!!! Welcome to the World Lily!!!
At 1:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dr. Evil. That's a great name! Sorry about that. So glad you decided to seek another opinion. That place sounds creepy!!!
At 9:20 AM,
Heidi Flash said…
THAT doctor needs to go back to her country. When she told you to lose some weight you should have told her she needed to bathe regularly or stop eating curry.
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