Well, yesterday I took two bags of clothes to the Goodwill box. Mainly clothes that are too big now - which is a good feeling. So this purging made me think of purging as a life style.
Moving helps a person to purge - I have this urge to purge some of my belongings, but I'm not moving for a while. My sister and I have a ridiculous amount of Christmas decorations. Not sure why - but I think it is because my mother does. She decorates the whole house - even the bathroom.
I have also been in a relationship that has come to a purge or not purge stage. We have gotten to a fork in the road - do we purge what we have or try to work on it?? He's fun and a lot like me. But as far as relationships go, we view them differently. Those that know me, know that I am pretty laid back - go with the flow kind of girl. He is about being a "couple" and doing what he believes is what couples should do. I am not a believer in establised rules for dating - everyone is different. Also, I am the type of person who kind of needs someone to tell me directly what they want, need, etc.... I am not a mind reader after all. I would love to be, but unfortunately am not. The other issue is that he believes that a boyfriend/girlfriend should do things that they think they other wants them to do even if that person is not up to it. I completely disagree with that. If I'm tired or not interested in something I think I should be able to say so. None of these unspoken expectations and rules. Why is it easy to make friends with people but difficult to make a relationship work when really all it is (or should be) is a glorified friendship. AUGH!!!!
Anyways - that was my thought for the day - purging. Now if only I could purge that thai food I had for dinner, life would be better.
17 days until KEY WEST with Metro Ho, Dick In The Eye and Maria.!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!
Well, yesterday I took two bags of clothes to the Goodwill box. Mainly clothes that are too big now - which is a good feeling. So this purging made me think of purging as a life style.
Moving helps a person to purge - I have this urge to purge some of my belongings, but I'm not moving for a while. My sister and I have a ridiculous amount of Christmas decorations. Not sure why - but I think it is because my mother does. She decorates the whole house - even the bathroom.
I have also been in a relationship that has come to a purge or not purge stage. We have gotten to a fork in the road - do we purge what we have or try to work on it?? He's fun and a lot like me. But as far as relationships go, we view them differently. Those that know me, know that I am pretty laid back - go with the flow kind of girl. He is about being a "couple" and doing what he believes is what couples should do. I am not a believer in establised rules for dating - everyone is different. Also, I am the type of person who kind of needs someone to tell me directly what they want, need, etc.... I am not a mind reader after all. I would love to be, but unfortunately am not. The other issue is that he believes that a boyfriend/girlfriend should do things that they think they other wants them to do even if that person is not up to it. I completely disagree with that. If I'm tired or not interested in something I think I should be able to say so. None of these unspoken expectations and rules. Why is it easy to make friends with people but difficult to make a relationship work when really all it is (or should be) is a glorified friendship. AUGH!!!!
Anyways - that was my thought for the day - purging. Now if only I could purge that thai food I had for dinner, life would be better.
17 days until KEY WEST with Metro Ho, Dick In The Eye and Maria.!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!
At 7:59 AM,
Unknown said…
Involved dating Relationships are difficult at times. EB and I have been together for 2yrs now, and at first I wanted to do my way or the highway on things, then as time progressed and we worked through things, it's much much better. Don't just completely purge the relationship, if you really like the guy and have fun- perhaps then it's worth working things through- Otherwise if you don't really have those feelings- then maybe a purging is needed-
Last night I purged my closet- w/ 2 20 gallon trash bags full of big girl clothes to go to good will- IT's a great feeling
At 9:07 AM,
SMAC said…
Hey MOnkey - Thanks for your input. Every little bit helps.
Yes, getting rid of big girl clothes is a good feeling.
At 9:41 AM,
Matt said…
i got extremely lucky and found someone who we seem to feel the same way about everything. not neccessarily like all the same things, but have no problem agreeing to disagree on things and doing our own thing when we need or want to.
for example i was asked what i thought if this person went totally vegetarian. I told them i didn't care as long as they didn't make me do it. they said nope eat what you want. and that was it.
At 9:46 AM,
SMAC said…
ES - Hmmmm did you just say you were lucky to have found Clam??? I think that is an oxymoron or something. Ha - all jokes!!!! I'm happy for you.
At 10:34 AM,
Heidi Flash said…
SMAC AND BETELGEUSE!!!!! And that's all I am going to say on that topic. this time ;)
At 4:55 PM,
Heidi Flash said…
Come onnnn BG - it's happened before!!!!!
(you guys are just tooooo cute)
At 11:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
They always say that opposites attract, but sometimes you need someone who's more similar than different. That seems to be working for me right now...but, like you said, everyone is different.
And congrats on getting rid of clothes! I'm proud of you!
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